
General enquiries


01724 454377 

Please direct any postal enquiries to our registered address:

Solutions Pledge2Learn 

Sovereign House, 

Arkwright Way, 

Queensway Industrial Estate, 

Scunthorpe, DN16 1AL.

Operational delivery address:

Solutions Pledge2Learn

Bottesford Town Football Club,

Ontario Road,

Scunthorpe, DN17 2TQ.

Following Ofsted's inspection of Pledge2Learn on Thursday 8 February 2024 we were registered as an Independent Special School

08 February 2024 -  Pre-registration inspection

Some highlights from Ofsted:

"The proprietary body have thought carefully about how they can offer a broad curriculum that includes learning in English, mathematics, science, humanities, personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education, religious education, aesthetic and creative studies, as well as physical education."

"They have developed schemes of work to ensure that the proposed curriculum will be taught progressively."

"pupils attending the provision part-time have clear learning plans which map out the subjects they are studying over the course of the term."

"The school leaders have a plan in place to help pupils build aspirations."

"A clear assessment framework is currently in use that tracks pupils’ progress and informs pupils’ host schools about achievements, both academically and socially."

"Leaders understand the difficulties pupils may have had in attending school in the past. They support them to engage with education by ensuring that the curriculum choices interest and inspire pupils"

"School leaders have supported pupils to build self-esteem and greater confidence about learning."