
General enquiries 

01724 454377 

Please direct any postal enquiries to our registered address:

Solutions Pledge2Learn 

Sovereign House, 

Arkwright Way, 

Queensway Industrial Estate, 

Scunthorpe, DN16 1AL.

Operational delivery address (not for receiving post):

Solutions Pledge2Learn

Bottesford Town Football Club,

Ontario Road,

Scunthorpe, DN17 2TQ.

British Values and Prevent- 1 page guidance.pdf

Factors That Can Contribute To Vulnerability To Radicalisation

The current UK definition of terrorism is given in the Terrorism Act 2006.

In the UK we define terrorism as a violent action that:

Making a Prevent referral

Referral via the Channel referral form can be made at:  

The contacts for making a Channel Referral are:

Humberside Prevent Team - South bank 101 ext. 1879 / 4661 / 3750 

British Values and Prevent

Report online material promoting terrorism or extremism

Report illegal or harmful information, pictures or videos you’ve found on the internet.

You can report things like:

To report go to:

Get help for radicalisation concerns

Learn more about Prevent from the people involved in this video.

Find out more about what terrorism means.