General enquiries
01724 454377
Please direct any postal enquiries to our registered address:
Solutions Pledge2Learn
Sovereign House,
Arkwright Way,
Queensway Industrial Estate,
Scunthorpe, DN16 1AL.
Operational delivery address (not for receiving post):
Solutions Pledge2Learn
Bottesford Town Football Club,
Ontario Road,
Scunthorpe, DN17 2TQ.
The current UK definition of terrorism is given in the Terrorism Act 2006.
In the UK we define terrorism as a violent action that:
Endangers a person’s life, other than that of the person committing the action
Involves serious violence against a person
Causes serious damage to property
Creates a serious risk to the public’s health and safety
Interferes with or seriously disrupts an electronic system
Making a Prevent referral
Referral via the Channel referral form can be made at:
The contacts for making a Channel Referral are:
Humberside Prevent Team - South bank 101 ext. 1879 / 4661 / 3750
British Values and Prevent
Report online material promoting terrorism or extremism
Report illegal or harmful information, pictures or videos you’ve found on the internet.
You can report things like:
articles, images, speeches or videos that promote terrorism or encourage violence
websites made by terrorist or extremist organisations
videos of terrorist attacks
To report go to:
Get help for radicalisation concerns
Learn more about Prevent from the people involved in this video.
Find out more about what terrorism means.