Inclusion & SEND
(Special Educational Needs & Disability)
General enquiries
01724 454377
Please direct any postal enquiries to our registered address:
Sovereign House,
Arkwright Way,
Queensway Industrial Estate,
Scunthorpe, DN16 1AL.
Operational delivery address (not for receiving post):
Bottesford Town Football Club,
Ontario Road,
Scunthorpe, DN17 2TQ.
Our vision for children and young people with special needs is the same as for all children and young people – that they:
achieve well at school and are supported to make a successful transition into college (or other post-16 learning)
lead happy and fulfilled lives
have choice and control.
Through our robust approach to Inclusion and SEND at Pledge2Learn, we aim to provide the best support to all of our students, particularly those who may have found it difficult to access education.
Our SEND provision takes into account the full scope of student support, first and foremost this is the delivery of high quality teaching, along with SEMH one-to-one and group work targeted interventions.
Our SEND policy, which conforms to the Government's Code of Practice can be accessed on our website.
We strive to:
Ensure that the environment is as accessible as possible to students, staff and visitors.
Ensure that every child/young person is able to access a broad and challenging curriculum, including educational visits and visiting speakers, to enrich learning experiences
Ensure the right level of targeted interventions for those on the SEN register
Signpost and support to access external agencies who may be able to support children further in school or at home
Provide the right balance of support and challenge to students, particularly those from vulnerable groups, so that achievement can be for all
Support all students to access their examinations
Promote the value of learning and preparation for the world of work
What is the Local Offer?
The Children and Families Act (What is the Children and Families Act?) requires all local authorities to publish information about provision in their area for children and young people from 0-25 who have special educational needs and disability (SEND) – this is called the Local Offer.
The SEND Local Offer in North Lincolnshire aims to provide parents and carers with information about things such as education, health, emotional health & well being, advice & support, money, and preparing for adulthood. Information is also available on events for North Lincolnshire’s children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities and their families.
You can access our SEND Policy and Information Report HERE.