About us

General enquiries


01724 454377 

Please direct any postal enquiries to our registered address:


Sovereign House, 

Arkwright Way, 

Queensway Industrial Estate, 

Scunthorpe, DN16 1AL.

Operational delivery address (not for receiving post):


Bottesford Town Football Club,

Ontario Road,

Scunthorpe, DN17 2TQ.

Pledge2Learn is an Independent Special School for 11-16 year olds.  We are registered with the Department for Education and inspected by OfstedYou can find out more about Our Offer HERE

General enquiries to the school can be made via admin@pledge2learn.co.uk or by calling 01724 454377

Patrick Lappin - Head of School

Safeguarding, School Development, Leadership and Management 


Telephone: 01724 454377 

Holly Dickinson - Head of School

Teaching & Learning, Coordination of Special Educational Needs 


Telephone: 01724 454377 

Sam Batty - Associate Head of School: 

School Evaluation & Improvement; Behaviour, Attitudes, and Personal Development


Telephone: 01724 454377

Louise Croft - Director for Teaching & Learning:

Teaching & Learning, Coordination of Special Educational Needs


Telephone: 01724 454377 

Emma Gill - Deputy Head of School:

Business Management. Audit & Assurance


Telephone: 01724 454377 

Richard Giles - Chair of the Advisory Board:  


Telephone: 01724 454377 

Pledge2Learn Prospectus